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Agricultural Development


This is an initiative that has been developed in Kasubi Village and the goal is to provide food to the women and children as well as create a demonstration garden to the local community where they can come and learn better agricultural practices in both crop and animal husbandry. Hope Line also organize farming groups to include women and children; to educate about better seeds and farming methods; to educate about improved ways of caring for their crops by introducting modern farming methods; by teaching the dangers and advantages of different fertilizers; and by providing seeds to the farmers.


The goal is to have a sustainable source of food for the children and women. Hope Line Organization hopes to increase food production from subsistence farming to extensive farming using machinery. With high production of food we shall be able to feed the women and children at school and also sell some as a sustainable source of income for them. 


Social and Domestic Improvement 


Realizing the growing struggle and regular abuse faced by most women in these rural communities, Hope Line discovered the need for a drastic change in attitude of the young generation of men towards their wives. Many women have been abandoned by their husbands, leaving them to struggle to provide for their large families alone, and many have been physically and sexually abused regularly. The only way to resolve this is to change the mentality of the younger generation to respect women rather than follow in the footsteps of their fathers. Hope Line has therefore established a boys group, with boys ranging from the ages of 14-30+ attending to discuss these issues and spread this knowledge to others too. The hope is to liberate women from this oppression and encourage gender equality. 

Click here to donate. . Every cent goes to support the community. 

Click here to learn more about the projects Hope Line supports. 

We are in need of volunteers, donations, and child sponsorships. Learn how you can empower a community.

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